Sunday 17 May 2015

Pakistan Should Give Top Priority to Baluchistan

Growing up in the urban area of punjab will never help you in realizing the fact that people in baluchistan do not even have access to resources that originates in there land and you thousand of miles in islambad are enjoying its benefits. We did the same mistake in bangladesh when we treated them as worthless and did not give them their due share in government, administration and other affairs of the country. Unfortunately we are committing same mistake in baluchistan, it is the largest province in pakistan, with abundance of natural resources and still the poorest among all. Educational, health, road networks, transportation are poor in that part,  majority of natural gas in pakistan is supplied from Sui and other gas fields in baluchistan, still there are many areas around Sui and most part of baluchistan,  which has no natural gas. Just be honest with you and ask yourself whether punjabis ( which are in majority in Pakistani military, government and bureaucracy) have done justice with baluch, and then you blame them of starting a freedom movement,  muslims of india started the movement for Pakistan because they felt that they are not given the due share in any matter of state and it happen every where in world, where any ethnic group of people are sidelined, a time will come when they rise against the dominating ethnic group in that region, and they adopt every mean (peaceful dialogue or a brutal war) to get there rights.
Majority of people living in Punjab cannot even name more than two cities in baluchistan, if you ask them to pinpoint a city like naushki on a map they will take a while to do that,yet they enjoy the wealth of that land and if someone speak against this unbalanced distribution of resources ansd wealth he is labeled as a traitor and an agent of foreign powers.

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