Thursday 17 February 2011

American Dream--Transcontinental Railway

Earlier i discussed the Local transport network in Stockholm, This blog is in continuation of that.

I believe transport network of any country is an indicator of the development and growth of that country, Countries which lack in transport infrastructure struggle to manage there resources. Railway holds a vital place in transport system and Pakistan need a hell a lot of improvement in there Railway network, I wish one day Pakistan will be connected to Europe, China and Russia through Railway.

Two historical events that changed the course of history, that definitely changed the life of a common man and country, that changed the dynamics of economy, trade, market and sociology are linked to railway, this blog is about the first one, second will be discussed later, these two events are source of inspiration for me, i want Pakistan to focus on it transport set up.

American Dream-Transcontinental Railway   
Complete Route L-R (California-Nevada-Utah-Wyoming-Nebraska-Iowa.
Americans should be thankful to Chinese and Irish, The dream of Abraham Lincoln was fulfilled by Chinese workers, the dream was to connect the east and west of USA with the rail road 'TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILTRACK' history tells us that American labour ran away when they were asked to start the work on one of the most difficult terrain of that time, the western part of the track in California.

Tunnel Start-Sierra Nevada
It all started in a town called Sacramento (capital of california), Train route started from Sacramento and it had to cross the mountain ranges of Sierra Nevada to reach the great American desert. Beyond the summit of Sierra Nevada they had a clear run of hundred of miles worth millions of dollars for those involved in the construction.They worked for around six years to dig a tunnel through Nevada mountain and to reach the other side of summit, and they did that, just imagine the happiness when they would have seen the light on the other side of tunnel, i can imagine the joy you get on the completion of any task which is laborious. Chinese labour worked hard on this western patch and they did a marvellous job, New york tribune (1865) says

'they are a great army laying siege to nature in the strongest citadel, the rugged mountains look like stupendous ant hill, they swarm with chinese workers tunneling, wheeling, carting,drilling and blasting the rocks and earth'
Chines Labour-look at there Hats,they arr Chinese not Irish :)

Eastern patch-Nebraska-Irish Labour

Work on eastern patch was also in progress most of the labour was Irish, they had relatively easy terrain but they faced continuous resistance from the Indians and other insurgents, but they killed almost every native who came in there way while moving towards west, for sure the track in central america was built on the bodies of  native American but sometimes you have to take stern decision and when it is national issue than one should go for it.

 It is said that chief engineer responsible for this patch Grenville Dodge manipulated the route to favour his land holdings, but what they achieved at the end worth a lot more than that little corruption.

Congress decided a common point known as Promontory Point in UTAH, and now the race began between the western and eastern team that who will reach the point first, interestingly it was the western team with chinese labours who got there first.
 i think after two or three days eastern team reached there and honestly speaking no one can measure the joy on the faces of those who worked for so many years and who lost many of there friends.

We did it Men at there best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They changed the world, they changed America they connected the east and the west, they connected pacific with Atlantic, what else you ask for....................Great Job.


  1. great job. Also informative for me

  2. After living in USA for these few years, I can tell you that everything achieved in railways is in peril here...

    Obama administration has introduced 22 Billion dollar package to introduce the fastest railway tracks...but I doubt if congress will ever stamp the granted seal on it...

    The American dream adopted in early 20th century with emergence of Ford and GM Industries have evolved the whole concept of transportation in USA....they did..they are...investing huge money to discourage this kind of development ....

  3. investing huge money to discourage this kind of development ....????????? what kind if develoment, future expansion in transportation network?????????

  4. let me try to summarize it here...
    There are two parties in USA as you know, Republicans and Democrats ...
    Republicans: They are in favor of small Govt. They never want to expand Govt. They assume, bigger Govt will result in higher taxes. And thats the last thing they ever want to do. They give huge tax breaks to wealthy and Corporations, so they can reinvest the money into their business for more jobs for people.
    So they will never favor the idea of Govt. investment into railways...although their argument will be lame...but it would be targeting in name of Govt. Spending....

    The real story is.. the corporations like GM and FORD.. they spent millions of bucks in mid of 20th century when automobile revolution was taking place in USA.. they blocked any plan which involved the railway expansion...they favored every plan which was expanding highways... and slowly slowly... the American dream took the shape, that everyone person in house hold should own a car as well... unfortunately now americans prefer to commute by car rather than taking the trains to any where....

    Follow this link for todays CNN top story...

    One more example to show you the pathetic railways...we have in USA... I was reading Lincoln's journey from Springfield IL to Washington DC.. he adopted a long route to come to DC to take his presidential office... he went from Springfield to.. Cleveland then Cincinnati ...then Columbus Ohio..and then so on.... to NYC ....

    but after these more than 170 years...if I wana go to Columbus Ohio by train... there is no passenger train which can accommodate me... actually there is no Passenger train linked with Columbus Ohio....where as in the time of Lincoln.. it was...
    such a shame....

    anyhow... one more thing I would mention here, Freight Train network is still very strong in USA....actually every part of country has dozen of tracks.. which support even very very tiny industries in very remote areas.... probably they abandoned the tracks for passengers...and handed over this to private corporations...

  5. By the way... I did a comparative study of modernized nations in my one of graduate courses.. Energy Systems... and It was really painful for me to swallow the fact that... USA wastes the tons of energy every year...
    There is no doubt... Japanese..and Europeans ... even Canadians have better policies than USA.

  6. Well according to some studies passenger train companies all over the world suffer huge looses and goovernment has to invest in it every year, so thats not a surprise, and train companies do many other things to increase there profits any how that a separate thing, and my point of writing this blog was to emphasize the importance of Cargo trains, railway can be very helpful in the expansion of trade network, it can reach to remotest areas at less cost and with little hassle.In pakistan no one trust railway for for goods transportation,although its must cheaper than trucks,

  7. i think we haven't laid even a single railroad since independence. condition of existing railway tracks is pathetic. I dont remember the exact figures but i read somewhere that the current annual deficit of PR exceeds 4 billion rupees. the current minister for Railways is selling precious property at throwaway prices thereby inflicting heavy losses to the already crumbling department. Various trains connecting Balochistan to other parts of Pakistan have been suspended due to security reasons Probably privatizing the PR will help a bit but security issues need to be addressed above all.


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